The Emergency Communication Module builds on the Excavation Module experience, though it can be a stand-alone activity. Essentially, students must assemble a field Telegraph System to let the world know about their Alien discovery. Students learn Morse Code and even can create their own communication language. In addition, We regularly send out Communications which students can decipher, respond to and win prizes!
Alien Emergency Communication Module Items Include:
- Two Telegraph Kits
- Morse Code Sheet
- Transmission Messages
- Facilitator Manual
- Student Manual
- Three (3) month subscription to "Save the World" Transmission Challenges
- Name Tags
- Drawstring Sack
Estimated Total Time to Complete: 1 - 2 hours (can be broken up over several sessions).
Emergency Communication Module
We will happily replace any damaged or missing items. Contact us at: or email us at
Item can be shipped within U.S. S&H $9.99