2020-21 Alien CSI
Patch Design Challenge
is OPEN!
It’s time for the 2020-21 Alien CSI Patch Design Challenge. Youth (ages 6 to 18) are eligible to submit original artwork for the Official Alien CSI patch for the 2020-21 Season. Not only does the winner have their design worn by the Alien CSI Corps, but you
win $50 and since we promote real-world entrepreneurial environments, you’ll get
a commission from every patch purchased.
The patch can be round (3” diameter), square or triangle (3” per side).
Your patch can contain up to four (4) colors.
The patch should convey space travel, terraforming, aliens, suns/planets, or some similar theme. We are pretty open – we want to see what your imagination will create!
The contestant must be a resident of the universe between the ages of 6 and 18 years. ACSI and Organic Connects, Inc. staff, advisory board, executive board members, and contractors are ineligible to participate.
Your submission must be ORIGINAL. No derivative, reproduced, copyrighted, or purchased images are eligible.
Only one entry per person is allowed.
Contest deadline: 4:59pm (EDT)/8:59pm (UTC), July 3, 2020.
All submissions must be uploaded by the deadline. Late submissions will not be considered for judging.
If your submission is selected, we reserve the right to modify and adjust your artwork.
The winning submission becomes the property of Alien CSI and Organic Connects, Inc.
All submissions may be used by Organic Connects, Inc. for marketing purposes.
Design should be sent as PDF, JPG, or PNG in 300ppi resolution. File should be submitted as: lastname_firstname_patch20.<ext>.
For our younger contestants or those who do not have access to a computer or a printer (meaning it is hand drawn), you may mail your submission to:
Alien CSI Patch Design Challenge
c/o Organic Connects, Inc.
7000 Euclid Avenue, Suite 203
Cleveland, Ohio 44103
United States
Mail-in submissions must be postmarked BEFORE July 4, 2020.
Rules are subject to modification, without notice, in the sole discretion of Organic Connects, Inc.